Hodological space: representing something that was not meant to be represented

Palladino, Chiara
Universität Leipzig, Deutschland

The aim of the presentation is to suggest a new way of representing Classical sources dealing with the description of space, interpreting them through the paradigm of “hodological space”, i.e. a real system of knowledge which built and constructed geography through words and concepts. While neogeography and the so-called geohumanities have long ago established a profitable system in the representation of “cultural space” in modern sources through the use of modern maps and GIS systems, this cannot be applied to ancient sources, whose spatial concept was developed on a completely different and peculiar track.

The presentation will offer a basic introduction to the topic and to the issues connected with the annotation and representation of key-concepts in ancient descriptions of space, in order to emphasize how its peculiar components can be expressed in the digital environment in a meaningful and fruitful way.