Travel by train

Leipzig can be easily reached by train: there are hourly direct connections with ICE from Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Erfurt, München, Nürnberg and Dresden. Exact departure and arrival times you can find at

From the main station you reach the conference place (auditorium building of the University) after 6 to 10 minutes walk in southern direction (access via Universitätsstraße or Augustusplatz). You can also get to the venue by tram, in lines 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 or 16 to the station "Augustusplatz". For more information please look at the website of Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe.

If you arrive by S-Bahn from direction Halle (via Leipzig/Halle Flughafen), Hoyerswerda, Riesa, Zwickau, leave the S-Bahn at the station "Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz". From there to the conference place it takes 5 minutes walk.